Delivery Methods
1. Courier
The estimated time of delivery is within 7 working days. Parcels are delivered directly to the nearest courier terminal of your area.
It takes 1-2 working days for your order to be processed, only if the product is available.
If a product is out of stock, it will be backordered/pre-ordered.
(A) It takes 10-14 working days for Backordered/Pre-ordered products to be delivered.
(B) Orders will remain at the courier terminal for 10 working days. After the 10 working days period any unclaimed orders will be sent back to us ( and be cancelled.
Delivery Costs:
The cost of delivery is proportional to the total weight of the order. Below there is a table with the weight and costs for delivery.
Weights | Class | Cost |
2kg | Orders up to 2kg | €3 |
2kg – 5kg | Orders above 2kg | €3.5 |
5kg – 10kg | Orders above 5kg | €10 |
10kg – 15kg | Orders above 10kg | €8.5 |
15kg – 20kg | Orders above 15kg | €9.5 |
20kg – 25kg | Orders above 20kg | €12 |
25kg – 30kg | Orders above 25kg | €14.5 |
30kg – 35kg | Orders above 30kg | €20.5 |
35kg – 45kg | Orders above 35kg | €23 |
45kg – 50+ kg | Orders above 40kg | €27 |